CSS3 Background Properties

CSS background properties are used to define the background style effects of an element.


background-color property used to apply only colors to an element in HTML. You can specify the format to color by:
  • HEX-decimal like “#000FFF”
  • Name of the color like “blue”
  • RGB value like “rgb(0,0,255)”
The background color of a webpage is defined as follows:

body {
background-color: #b0c4de;


If you like to have an image as background in a webpage you can use background-image property to specify the image with the extension and location. By default image is repeated in both ways so it covers entire element of the page.
    body {
background-image: url("bg1.jpeg");


By default, background-image property will repeat in both horizontally and vertically. Using background-repeat property you can repeat it only in horizontal or only in vertical. There are four values for repeat property as follows:
  • repeat – default value, will repeat on both sides
  • repeat-x – image will repeat only on horizontal side
  • repeat-y – image will repeat only on vertical side
  • no-repeat – image will not repeat. It will display only on


CSS3 background-repeat property specifies the background image only once.You can also change the position of the image, which will not affect the text.

Using background-position property you can specify the position of an image.

     body {
             background-image: url("img_tree.png");
: no-repeat;
: right top;

Background Shorthand property:

To specify all background properties in a single line is possible and it is called as shorthand property.
This shorthand property for background is "background":

     body {
: #ffffff url("img_tree.png") no-repeat right top;

CSS3 Backgrounds:

CSS3 contains a few new background properties, which gives more control of an element.

CSS3 Background-size:

CSS3 background-size property allows you to specify the size of background images. This property allows you to re-use the images in different context sizes.

The size can be specified in length, percentage of both x-axis and y-axis or by using one of the other two values: contain and cover.

contain - scales the background image to be as large as possible which fits to the content area in both its width and height.

cover -  scales the background image to covered the content area completely which displays both its width and height are equal to or exceed the content area.

#box1 {
: url(flower_img.jpg);
: contain;
: no-repeat;
      #box2 {
: url(flower_img.jpg);
: cover;
: no-repeat;

CSS3 Background-clip:

CSS3 background clip property used to specify the painting area of the background. It takes three different values:

  • border-box – It’s a default value, which is painted to the outside edge of the border
  •  padding-box – Makes the background is painted to the outside edge of the padding
  • content-box – Makes the background is painted within the content box

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