HTML Introduction


History of HTML

                     Internet communication had been limited to plain text, using technologies such as email, FTP (File Transfer Protocol), and Usenet-based discussion boards. Later Tim Berners-Lee, physicist at CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research), devised a way in the late 1980s for scientists to share documents over the Internet.HTML is derived from SGML, which is a complex syntax for marking up or binding of content (text or graphics) in documents; as of HTML 5, HTML no longer attempts to adhere to SGML syntax.

What is HTML?

              HTML - Hyper Text Markup Language. 
The word "Hyper" refers making text hyper level and to display in website. "Markup" means something slightly different and highlighting text: a language with specific syntax that instructs a Web browser how to display a page.

                    HTML uses a pre-defined set of elements to define content types to display text. Elements contain one or more "tags" that contain or express content. Tags are enclosed by angle brackets, and the closing tag begins with a forward slash.

The following example shows basic structure of HTML:

HTML Sections:

                     HTML contains two important sections : 
                                1. head section - contains title tag and other external file links.
                                2. body section - contains all html tags that holds contents to display in webpage.

<!doctype> definition

                         The <!DOCTYPE> declaration helps the browser to display a web page correctly. There are different document types on the web.All cases are acceptable :
                 <!DOCTYPE html>
                 <!DOCTYPE HTML>
                 <!doctype html>
                 <!Doctype Html>

<!DOCTYPE> declarations

              HTML 5 - <!DOCTYPE html>

             HTML 4.01 - <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">

            XHTML 1.0 - <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">      

HTML Versions

HTML 2.0
HTML 3.2
HTML 4.01

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